Zaid Ahmed

Principal Software Developer

Zaid is the Principal Software Developer at td. With over seven years at td, Zaid has played a pivotal role in the company’s development team, significantly contributing to its success through his technical expertise and dedication. Since joining, Zaid has been essential in driving the company’s technological advancements, ensuring that their solutions are both cutting-edge and environmentally conscious.

Zaid’s passion for knowledge drives him both personally and professionally. He enjoys consuming all types of knowledge, whether it is work-related or from other aspects of life. Balancing work and personal life is crucial to him, and he values quality time with family, watching football, or enjoying a great movie or TV show. At work, Zaid’s motivation comes from doing innovative work that benefits clients and helps him grow his skills. Solving client problems and receiving recognition for a job well done are key drivers for him.

In his professional role, Zaid’s superpower lies in understanding client needs and providing reliable solutions through his technical expertise and experience. He excels in guiding and helping his team implement and adopt solutions efficiently, often assisting clients in understanding the functionalities of their own systems. Zaid is deeply involved in all stages of a project, from gathering requirements to delivering the desired outcome, ensuring a high level of client satisfaction.

td has been instrumental in Zaid’s career growth, offering opportunities to develop both technically and personally. The friendly working environment at td is something that Zaid and his colleagues proudly mention, as it fosters learning, growth, and skill polishing. Think Digitally’s commitment to working with the latest technologies has also been a significant factor in Zaid’s professional development.

One project that stands out for Zaid is the work done with Shields. The Marketplace solution they built helps reduce CO2 emissions and limits environmental impact through the global reuse of telco equipment, reflecting td’s dedication to sustainability. This project exemplifies how the company’s innovative solutions not only benefit clients but also contribute positively to the planet, making Zaid proud to be part of the td team.

Case Studies